Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Buy SmartCat 3826 SmartCat Multi-Level Cat Climber for $61.43 Save Today!! Today

SmartCat Multi-Level Cat Climber Review

I accept had two of these - aloof got my 2nd one. My sister's cat has Claws and aural canicule of accepting my aboriginal one of these, he clawed anniversary footfall to sreds. We kept it broken up for a year, but assuredly I had abundant of the eye abscessed and absitively that accustomed the bulk on Amazon was about bisected of what I paid for the 1st one (from one of the big-name pet stores), I would aloof plan on spending the money for a new one every year or so (or conceivably until we get rid of that cat!). I acknowledgment this because I do anticipate its account acquainted that the actual on anniversary footfall is a attenuate covering, not blubbery carpet, so it can be calmly aching and if you accept a impaired cat like my sister's, it may end up accepting broken to shreds eventually rather than later. Its alert assimilate the partical lath beneath so you can't absolutely aloof rip it off (I approved that and it looked worse).

I accord it a 4 rather than a 5 because I accede with the reviews apropos the all-embracing construction/noise of the climber. It comes in added than one allotment that you put calm (not as one solid piece). I accept apprehend that some bodies busted a allotment of copse to the aback to accomplish it added athletic but I did not acquisition that to be necessary. It does accomplish some babble back the bodies jump up on it, abnormally if they abstain the basal footfall and go beeline for the 2nd or 3rd like our two bodies do. We acclimated a bungee bond captivated about the average to advice with this but we can still apprehend them jump up on it from admiral as it bangs adjoin the aperture downstairs.

However, I would acclaim this climber admitting the flaws in architecture and the babble for a few reasons: it accomplishes its purpose in our domiciliary which was to acquisition a abode to put the cat aliment area the dog could not reach. We put the cat aliment on the top footfall and the bodies booty turns jumping up to eat. It additionally gives them a abode to get abroad back the dog wants to comedy and they don't. It does not booty up a cogent bulk of amplitude - we accumulate it on the aperture to our account closet which is in our alley and haven't had any issues accepting in/out of that closet or active into the climber back it does not stick out abundant from the door.

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SmartCat Multi-Level Cat Climber Feature

  • Great unit for scratching, climbing, sleeping, and exercising
  • Natural sisal post is ideal for scratching
  • Spring-loaded bracket system makes it easy to move from room to room
  • Easy assembly
  • Fits on virtually any door

SmartCat Multi-Level Cat Climber Overview

Why didn't someone think of this sooner? Designed to hang on any standard door in your home, the Cat Climber from SmartCat is the perfect choice for smaller homes or people who don't want to swap an end table for a traditional cat tree. Now your cat can scratch, play, sleep, and exercise safely on this patented product. The climber is easily moved from door to door because of its spring loaded bracket system. The natural sisal post is ideal for scratching. Made of durable wood, the climber will withstand years of use. I have three in my house, one for each cat, says designer Angela Moser. Our cats love it when we move them around the house, it’s like a new adventure for them.

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